Squadron History 1942- 1945:
Coming Soon

31st Bombardment Squadron (H) Association:
President - Don MacAllister
Vice President - Bill Fallin bfallins@lcc.net
Secretary/Treasurer - Sid Ulmer manel1@juno.com
Director at Large - Walt Meibaum wmeibaum@kingwoodcable.com
Director at Large - Bill Leever
Director at Large - Beach Thurlow bthurlow@ispchannel.com
Historian - Joanne Emerick joanneemerick@hotmail.com

31st Bombardment Squadron (H) Association
1701 Williamsburg Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40504-2013

Contact Squadron Veterans:
Contact information for 31st BS Veterans.  Search or add your name to the database.

Lt. Kenneth Otstot - Base Photo
Hofer Crew - Four Fan Fanny
Shearer Crew - Four Fan Fanny
Four Fan Fanny - Nose Art

Veterans' Experiences:
Coming Soon

31st Bomb Squadron

5th BG "Bomber Barons":
307th BG "The Long Rangers":
868th BS "Snoopers":