If you would like me to add your name to the contact list, please send an e-mail to jeff@5thbomberbarons.com with a brief description of dates of service and any other information that you would like included.
Lindsey Boyd lindseyboyd@5thbomberbarons.com
Secretary / Treasurer of the 23rd BS Association.
Francis C. Smith FCSmith45@hotmail.com [Link to crew picture]
Gunner, flew 40 missions from 6-9-44
until 2-17-45. We were based on Los Negros and ended up on Samar in the Philippine Islands. Stops between included Wakde, Noemfoor, and Morotai.
Dennis "Casey" Jones nanrvacca@aol.com [Link to crew picture]
See Casey Jones' narrative on this site.
David Buchman Htbhhi@aol.com
Veteran of the 23rd Bomb Squadron.
David Renfro frodi@aol.com
Basil Debnekoff bdebs@whidbey.net
I served with the 23rd Bomb. Squadron beginning August 18, 1942. It was in the 5th Bomb Group, 7th Bomber Command, stationed at Mokelei,Territory of Hawaii. We flew B-18's until we were transfered via
boat to Espiritu Santo in the New Hebredes on December 18, 1942.
Was then assigned as assistant radio operator to Captain Burton H. Burns' crew in December, 1942. Eventually Burns became Squadron Commander and I became 1st Operator. Assignment also consisted of side gunner during combat missions, although had the exciting task of being in ball turret during bombing raid on Christmas Eve, 1942, on the port of Rabaul in the New Britain archipelago. Completed a total of 52 combat missions, 26 search and 26 bombing. Combat career ended August 23, 1943 when our crew and four other crews returned to the U.S. flying our B17's back with us. We were the last B17 crews prior to squadron converting to B24's.
5th BG "Bomber Barons":
307th BG "The Long Rangers":
868th BS "Snoopers":